Saturday, 6 March 2010


Today I managed a 10m steady run (7.30 pace) down to Bolton Bridge and back.

Groin felt a little tight still, but I took the pace easy and shortened my stride slightly. No sign of any real pain. So taking this as a successful test.

I'll rest again tomorrow, and do a few tapers session in the lead up to Trimpell next week, hopefully getting up to Marathon Pace for some of them.

I think I'm going to miss the track again - it's that sort of threshold session when I think I'm at most risk.

A few beers tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Henry told me you were injured Paul. Doing the right thing in missing the track.
    I suggest you miss racing Trimple 20 and doing a steady long one instead. Take it from me from experience that you will make it worse. I raced London with a groin strain back in 2002. Big mistake as I ended up doing 8 min mile jogs over the second half and was out of running until the following August.
    Go biking instead this week...that's if you got a bike?
