Sunday 17 January 2010

PECO XC - No snow but plenty of mud

Today saw the third race in the PECO cross-country series, hosted by Ilkley Harriers at Nell Bank in Ilkley.

I'd hardly run since last Sunday - just an easy 6 miles on Tuesday, and about 4 yesterday.

I'd also had a few glasses of wine and a curry last night so woke this morning not exactly feeling great.

But rather strangely, I had a really strong run, coming maybe 10-20 places further up what was a strong field than I expected. I managed to stay ahead of Malcolm P, and was only a few seconds behind Ian R. I finished in 21st position which I was really pleased with. The results aren't fully out yet but will be interested to see what the improvement on the last PECO I did.

But the more interesting question is why I was stronger. Perhaps the last week has been the rest I have needed after a few hard months?

1 comment:

  1. Paul. That was a brilliant run yesterday, you've certainly found some speed from somewhere. Perhaps you could ask them to put some mud & streams on the London Marathon course.
