Thursday 21 January 2010

Winter Solstice Earlybird Ride

After several postponements due to the bad weather, we eventually got to celebrate the Solstice today! Will leave ride report to Ged (taken from Earlybirds' forum):

"All cyclists across the land can now breathe a sigh of relief, for eventually ten hardy riders performed the Winter Solstice Celebration. Cyclists are now able to set their training plans safe in the knowledge that the mornings and evenings will slowly get longer thanks to the brave efforts of their Wharfedale bretheren.
Unfortunately we were unable to offer a virgin this solstice, due to the unavailability of the virginal Katherine, who was offered at the Summer Solstice. This time she had to stay at home with her husband and kids.

Day: Today
Time: 5.30am
Location: Ilkley

The Riders:-

Radge: The winner of 2009s Most Improved Rider award, Radge, was here for more Solstice fun, and was in fine form, even though his first target of 2010 is the 3 Peaks fell race. Other riders encouraged him to enter the “double” for 2010 and do the cyclo-cross version as well. He is keen, only hampered by the lack of a cross bike.

Andy-The-Lamb: Resplendant on his Jake The Snake cross bike , Andrew climbs with the keenness and agility of a lamb. This year his wife is planning a short holiday to undertake a marathon in Europe. Andrew is planning full retribution by signing up for the Alps trip organised by Gizzajob. Also he intends to join Otley CC and do some time trials.

JohnH - New guy, Polaris-Man John has fitted in well and in only his second early morning ride in the company of the group he had the temerity to stamp his authority over the peloton and take all the available mountain points. Could pass for a northerner, so awarded honourary Northern Status.

Rollin home - Rollin home, the most druid-like of us all, with his flowing locks and Dumbledore beard, is powered by a phenominal natural engine. A carefull and cautious descender, he makes up time by being able to climb as fast as he descends. He has high standards and was depressed about his recent athletic performances in the xmas and New Year fell races, although he was hampered by ankle and back injuries. One of the younger Earlybirds, Rollin home appears invincible, but perhaps Father Time is placing a gentle hand on his shoulder (or at least his back and his ankle)

Cacophony (also known as Shuttvr). Stalwart of Earlybird riding, Cacophony spends most of his daylight hours in a cellar knitting merino wool cycling jerseys, only coming out under the cover of darkness to get some miles in. A fast and fearless decender, The Old Warhorse Cacophony has not let 2 recent trips to A&E dampen his enthusiasm and he recently declared “Even at my age, every year I am just getting fitter and fitter”. He was due to prove this at the Winter Manchester Track league, but his entry got lost in the post.

Chills - The annoying Chills is stylish on the bike and makes everything look easy, apparently whilst hardly having done any training, which can be most upsetting for his chums. He recently entered the Fred Whitton sportive, but had his entry sent back for being too stylish. Has decided to enter The Circuit of The Dales 50m TT instead - “I need something to aim for, or I wouldn’t bother doing any training at all”. As well as being annoyingly stylish, To cap it all, Chills is kind and caring. If there is any rider struggling mentally or physically, Chills is always the first to drop back to help.

Dyna - 6’4” of ex-high level rugby player, Dyna is always lithe and fit. Today, in deference to the occasion, he sported a semi-druid beard. He also hauled a bright yellow rucsac with his work clothes, some house bricks wrapped in towels and a couple of very nice shot glasses in it.

GiantJames - Seasoned and accomplished tester, mile-eater GiantJames was looking relaxed and powerful. He already had the extra miles from Otley and afterwards was carrying on to work at Harrogate. In his saddlebag he carried his work clothes, along with his druid’s cape, a set of knives and a sharpening stone.

Gizzajob - Scouse exile, Gizzajob owns a large stable of bikes including a small front wheeled, lo-profile Benotto TT Special. However for 2010 Gizzajob is focussing, very successfully too, on running - he has let all his bikes go to rack and ruin. So today he selected to ride his black shopper with dodgy gears. Usually at the head of affairs, setting the pace with a cheery smile, Gizzajob was reduced to a crunching, grinding and swearing lanterne rouge. But he had a smile on his face when he reached Costa Coffee.

El Cid - Carrying the sacred fluids, El Cid was uncharacteristically early to the meeting point. Following a crash weight loss course he has lost 16 pounds in two weeks , which unfortunately left him light headed and weak. He has also devised a new scientific training plan, involving riding with his mudguards packed with compressed mud so that the wheels will barely go round. Eat your heart out Peter Keen. This will be known as the Cidconi method and he will try to sell it to Dr Ferrari.

The ride:
I strapped the bottle of Harveys Bristol Cream and some plastic cups to my bike and arrived at the meeting place early at 5.27am. There was no-one there and I started to worry that I was going to have to do the whole sorry escapade on my own, singlehandedly to ensure that cyclists up and down the country would be able to train in the light. I felt a bit like Bruce Willis, so I sat on the wall and poured myself a small plastic cup of sherry.

All of a sudden a bright, white light rounded the corner from the Grove and bore down Brook Street towards me. My spirits raised, I had seen the light and I felt like dancing. Radge pulled in alongside and I poured him a drink too. We chatted briefly, when all of a sudden there were hi-intensity lights coming at us from all angles - From Leeds Rd, Skipton Rd, Denton Rd, - the Earlybird Druids had arrived.

The Solstice Celebration rides run to a very strict timetable, so after a quick drink off we set, a peloton of 10 riders, myself and Shuttvr taking the first tap on the front of the bunch.

We were careful to point out the many new pot holes that have sprung up on the back lane following the recent bad weather.

Before we reached Beamsley, a shout went up from behind “puncture”. It was Chills, who said “ I have nt been out for ages, the tyre might be perished. I might just ride back home”. But we were having none of that, and we shone our lights on him and offered scant help while he got it fixed.

The ride up to Barden Towers was quiet and pleasant, the peloton was well ordered. Possibly the riders were secretly worrying about the climb of Halton Heights up to the Druid’s Alter. Its a good, tough , long climb. About a mile long and up to 1000feet. Usually there is a headwind, but luckily not today.

The foothills were taken en-masse, with riders nervously glancing around, waiting for someone to strike the first blow. The ice was broken when New Guy Polaris-Man John made a fearsome attack on the right hand side of the road. GiantJames calmly accelerated, Indurainesque, to keep him pegged. But a split second later, mudguardless Rollin home, powered out of the peloton and passed both escapees.

I was unable to resist the temptation to join in with the attacks and knocked my gear down from 39x25, straight into the 18 and rocketed out of the peloton, powering myself up the steep slopes and zooming past each of the three riders in front. Of course, like everything in life, it was too good to last, and like a lettuce leaf on a south facing kitchen windowsill on a sunny day, I wilted, coughing , gasping and spluttering, and was soon back in the 25 sprocket.

Polaris-Man John came past on his way to taking mountain honours, followed at small distance by GiantJames who’s climbing was strong and well paced. Rollin home attacked past me and I dropped out of the top three. But wait!! Just ahead Rollin home appeared to completely drop his purse and his body slumped, I re-passed him. I was approaching the cattle grid, and with only the “S” bend to go 3rd place up the climb was within my grasp.
However, a loud rasping of breath came up behind and Radge came past climbing well. I was powerless to respond as he romped up to the Druid’s Alter.

Getting my breath back I took off my steamed up Mr Magoo glasses and set about pouring everybody a plastic cup of Bristols Cream and we toasted the Solstice and the Gods of Cycling. I strapped the empty bottle to my bike, along with the cups and we enjoyed a brisk route home via Embsay and Bolton Abbey. We all burst cheerily into Costa Coffee at around 7.20am and enjoyed big coffees and a bit of a crack before dispersing merrily to get on with more pressing duties."

Thanks Ged, great report!

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