Tuesday 15 September 2009

Trial of the Yorks Vets Relay course

(posted to the Ilkley Harriers Forum):
I did a trial round the course yesterday morning before work. Some observations (probably completely obvious to all who know it…)

1. I had assumed that the hill finished by the school at the top of Carters Lane but then realised it went on a fair bit further than there!

2. As mentioned above, the downhill is steep, and this section perhaps needs some familiarisation. Some good time could be made up here but you need to have the confidence to go at it full throttle. It never gets too steep but feels a bit scary at first.

My garmin output is at http://connect.garmin.com/activity/13364467
Which will show the route and Google map etc. (However, Garmin Connect website seems to be having some problems today so not sure whether it will work)

Interestingly I managed to ave 6:11 min per mile out to bottom of Carters Lane. From there I managed 6:34 average back round. Overall ave 6:25.

So this shows how much can be gained on the downhill to make up for the uphill! Maybe I also should have gone faster along the flat?

(If you are interested in such things than my HR data shows how I pushed on the downhill too, but again maybe I should have gone faster earlier?? I'm not sure what to glean from this HR data?)

Overall managed 18:24 but hope to get under 18 on the day.

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