Sunday 27 September 2009

Yorkshire Vets Relay

Not often I turn up to to race and find I'm one of the youngest there, but the Yorkshire Vets Relay offered me that today (although there was a Over35 class so there were a few younger than me).

I was first runner off for our team - there were actually 12 Ilkley Harriers teams running which must be some sort of record.

I decided to go out full throttle to make sure I was not in any sort of ruck on the first few bends, and also to make sure I gave it all I got!

And for first quarter mile I was just behind the leader, which was quite a shock for all concerned but brought a smile to my face which returns when I think about it. After a half mile or so I started to get passed, but managed to handover in third place for the M40 class.

And the great news is that the whole team put in 110% and ran so well that we finished in 3rd place for our class.

Not an oustanding achievement some might say, but for the four of us, who have never won any sort of running medal before it was an absolute delight.

I think you can tell in this photo how delighted we were!
(Steve Weston, Dave Brown, Paul O'Looney)

Our times for the record were:
V40 3rd
18.06 Paul O'Looney
18.10 Ralph Tench
18.26 David Brown
18.01 Steve Weston

Many thanks to Pete Shields for race direction and Christine Matthews and the team for serving up great refreshments after the race.

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