Friday 2 April 2010

Recovery between Long runs

After Sunday's effort I rested Monday and the Tuesday did a little 6 mile steady run. Wednesday was a 10m run with a few miles at MP, and yesterday I rested again.

I'm planning my last long run on Sunday, so will do a gentle run today and then rest again tomorrow.

I'm hoping to do Arthington and back on Sunday in 3hrs - my big target for my 24m LR. Hopefully a windless day will give me a good crack at it. This will also achieve my total of 20 aggregated miles run in the 20m+ "dead zone".

Other news over the week is that due to some drop outs we have been offered a place at the 12 Stage Nationals the weekend before the London, so that should be a good day out and a chance to run on some old haunts in Sutton Park!

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