Sunday 8 November 2009

Lancaster Half - PB !

PB today and broke 1:22.

Finished in 1:21.56, 32nd out of 666 finishers.

We'd gone (Richard, Ade B and I) to this Half thinking it was a fast, flat route and a great chance for a PB.

Although the route was fairly flat, the recent heavy rain had waterlogged large sections of the route.

At best, the cycle track we were on was covered in soggy leaves. At worst there were lots of deep puddles. For one section we were diverted onto a muddy single width path to escape some deep puddles. But for one section on the way back in we had to wade through 6 inch deep water for about 200 metres.

On top of that there was a road section between 6 and 8 miles which was steadily uphill.

So all in all, not a great fast course. But nevertheless, I put in a strong run to finish in 1:21:56 which I was delighted with.

My pace suffered after the hill, and also the 200m paddling pool slowed me down and really chilled my feet.

So there was some drifting of pace, but perhaps not too much. I also managed to keep my HR at a good constant pace. For the first half mile it was up at around 190 bpm (95%max)but I eased down to around 180bpm and then kept it nailed on this for the whole race.

So all in all a great result and I'm very pleased.

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Lancster Half

1 comment:

  1. Great result, well done Paul!

    Those long runs and track sessions are really paying off.
