Wednesday 9 December 2009

Back on Track

At the track again tonight after missing it last week. Conditions were good, with another excellent turnout from both the Harriers and also our friends from Otley AC.

Session consisted of 7X800m, 1X700m, 1X600m, 1X500m, 1X400m, as well as a warm-up and warm-down and some strides before and after.

I was armed with my new spikes which felt great. Our little vets gruppetto was managing the 800s in about 2:52, and we kept this pace nailed on for the whole session. We even managed to push on a bit for the last 200. Generally that is the best I've felt at the track in a long time. I DIDN'T eat much in the afternoon which maybe was a factor?

Garmin output at:

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