Tuesday 22 December 2009

Excellence is not an act but a habit

There was a thread on the IH Forum about inspirational videos, and I have been reflecting today on the best one I have seen this year - Standing Start. It is a professionally made film about cycling track star Craig MacLean.

I won't describe it too much - if you haven't seen it before then it is worth a watch (lasts about 13 minutes and you'll need sound switched on)


Finished watching?

I think the film highlights all sorts of sporting themes. What comes across for me is how everything in Craig's life is focussed on him doing battle on the track. While he is lifting heavy weights in the gym he is completely focussed. Even while he is tapping out a beat on his drum kit he is still focussed on the race, every drumbeat mirroring a pedal turn.

Although I know some people don't like it, I especially like the music and the talk-over. Although this pop-philisophy is largely based on Plato's tales of Odysseus, the quote about "excellenece" is actually taken from Aristotle. "We are what we repeatedly do, excellence is not an act but a habit" - this has been especially true of GB's track cycling team who under Dave Brailsford's vision have done extraordinarily well.

So is this level of excellence, and the single-minded focus it requires what I'm striving for in my journey to the finish line of the London Marathon?

Well actually it's not.

Despite what this blog may imply, running and my marathon training is only a minor diversion in my life. Something which fills some idle moments and gives me a clear target involving physical strife which I feel I need.

I do seek excellence though, but excellence in achieving the things that actually are important. Firstly, to be the best father to my three children and best husband to my wife that I possibly can - this is really all that matters. But otherwise I aim to be a good friend, a worthy colleague and employee, a good citizen of the world and guardian of the planet. This is my battleground.

Today saw a continuation of the recent cold weather with the snow from last week's fall still covering the countryside. I managed to get out at lunch and do a 7 mile steady run along the canal towpath. The canal itself is frozen quite deeply.

It was my last day at work before my Christmas break. Due to the weather I was going to drive in but decided to persevere with the train like I have been all year. The run at lunch cleared my mind a little and I managed to sort out a few things at work in the afternoon which have been causing us some problems for a while. I had a lot to do but got it all finished and then home in time to let the wife out to running club, and for me to spend some time with my daughters, reading stories and chatting about our day.


  1. Fantastic post. I loved the video. Very inspiring. Thanks.

  2. Merry Christmas Paul.

    I hope that you and your family have a joyful day.
