Friday 4 December 2009

I'm now a Proper Runner

So today I passed a milestone which I always thought was the sign of a true runner rather than just a casual jogger - I bought my first pair of running spikes.

It was with some trepidation that I entered the shop and mumbled something to the assistant about spikes. He took me over to the spikes aisle and started asking about what sort of track and what distance I raced at. I again mumbled something about "the odd cross country" and "some training at Carnegie". And that I didn't want to pay more than thirty quid.

Although we have a great specialist running shop called Complete Runner in Ilkley, today my budget had directed me to in Bradford, which I can easily get to in my lunch hour. They do a lot of mail order, and specialise in selling discounted "last year's models". They also have a large shop and interested and knowledgeable staff, as well as a full Asics Gait Analysis system.

So after trying a few I left with a pair of Nike Rival, and they felt really lightweight and fast - even faster than the Saucony Fasttwitch that I've been using for racing on the roads.

So I'm all set for the Peco X-country tomorrow, with a special pair of long spikes for the expected mud-fest. Hopefully, I'll also be a lot safer on the track, as the wintry, icy evenings are with us.

I just hope my performance tomorrow warrants my purchase. I fear I am going to be the slowest person who is wearing spikes!


  1. I hesitate to post this, but you presumably haven't read the course description for tomorrow's race:

    The Senior race will go up the narrow track leading into Hunger Hills, with 2 laps around this area and Trinity & All Saints College. The Senior course is undulating, mainly grass, footpaths and a bit of road. It is suitable for off-road shoes, but not spikes.

    You'll need to save the spikes for another day!

  2. Whoops! Thanks Henry. I guess it is trail shoes then. I'll keep my spikes pristine for the next Carnegie session. I'll give you a call in the morning if I need a lift.
