Wednesday 2 December 2009

Hornet Juice

After a long, hard day at work today (including an early start to get to some meetings in Sheffield), I decided to miss the track session this evening.

I hadn't eaten enough through the day, and with the cold weather and my dubious groin injury I thought I would skip it. First one I've missed though!

Came home to check my email and found that I won a competetion for some free samples of a running supplement called "Hornet Juice".

The competition was via a running podcast I follow called "Running with the Pack", which is hosted by two amateur runners in the US, Allan Gyorke and Jeff Swain. The podcast is available through iTunes or via their website at . I really like their easy-going style and chat they have about all things running related (but mainly marathon running). Their fortnightly podcast fills my commute to work for a day, and I've grown oddly fond of their discussions.

So I'm going to get some samples of Hornet Juice - Allan and Jeff have been trialling it themselves recently with some interesting results. It is basically a mix of amino acids, which would be naturally ocurring in a good diet. However, my diet is not always so great, so am interested to give it a go. It allegedly increases fat-burning capacity, so obviously important for long runs.

I'll try and take it under some sort of comparable test, for example my 24 miler down to Arthington and back.

1 comment:

  1. You won as well. Cool. Me too. I'm looking forward to trying it.

    Its the best running podcast I've found. You are right, its not too 'in your face' as some others are.
