Monday 15 February 2010

Another Recovery

Half-term this week, and I have the ultimate pleasure of spending the week with the family as I have taken the week off work.

Lots of family activities and jobs around the house to do, but today I sneaked in a little 5.5 mile "2 bridges" recovery run. My legs are the best they've been after a long run, although I took it very steady, covering the undulating 5.5 mile circuit in 45.42.

I'm going to delay my midweek 13 mile tempo run till later in the week, and maybe just do another steady one tomorrow. I may even go off-road although conditions up on the moor won't be ideal (low cloud and rain, and very boggy).

Garmin details here


  1. Paul

    You must have been cutting corners, it's just over 7 miles when I do it !

  2. You're still sounding cynical, but believe me it's worth it - bet your legs feel better tomorrow than they normally would after a 24.

  3. Henry, yes my knowledge of Ilkley "standard" routes is slightly wrong. Emma informs me I ran the "Addingham Loop" and not 2 Bridges as I included the Old Bridge rather than both suspension bridges.

    Andy, I'm still not convinced that active rest is any worse than a slow recovery run. These slow runs I fear don't give my joints/tendons the full chance for re-build (and so increase the risk of injury) and also implant slow muscle-memory. Still this journey is all about experimenting and discovery so am going to persevere through the rest of Feb and then a 2 week mini-taper going into Trimpell.
