Wednesday 17 February 2010

Track Again

Another tough session tonight. Legs already tired from 40 miles in the previous three days, but wasn't going to miss it. Not many from the Ilkley/Otley clubs - 6 of us in total plus Coach Andy.

After a warm up and some strides, we had 6 minutes to see hard far we could go. I managed 1.1 miles, averaging 5:26 mins/mile. I wonder how close I could get to a 5 minute mile on fresh legs?

We then had 5 x 1km efforts at 5k race pace, with 200m jog recoveries. My times/ave pace/ ave hr was as follows:
00:03:39 05:48 161
00:03:37 05:46 161
00:03:35 05:38 162
00:03:38 05:41 161
00:03:32 05:36 165

So pretty consistent, if anything getter better.

Overall covered about 7.5 miles for the old mileage tally.

Garmin details here

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul. Thanks for posting on my blog and yes my current training pace does equate to a low 2.40 marathon, but I’ve not really determined my pace for racing yet, that’ll come with the race feedback prior to my taper. My pacing at the moment is based on my heart rate in the main, which usually guides my effort in sessions.
    I completely agree that we need to approach our first marathon with caution, respecting the demands of the race distance. I’m treating my first as a learning experience!
    The prediction calcs, I think shouldn’t be taken alone without consideration for your approach to prep and your physiological leaning towards speed or endurance. If you’ve read Daniels you’ll be familiar with his widely supported approach to volume and intensity that’s quite specific to marathon racing. In considering the accuracy of the tables you need to think about whether you’re running the miles and the quality that would justify a straight conversion from the shorter race times. Sarah.
