Monday 1 February 2010

Now the training starts

After Saturday's exertions on my 22-miler, and in particular the falling to pieces over the last few miles, I have decided to listen to the wise counsel from Andy from Embsay, and try and do some more training.

We have now entered February, a splendidly shaped 4-week month, and even blessed by the 1st being a Monday. There is such beauty in that calendar pattern that I feel drawn to do what I have not so far done - count miles.

So my target for the month (ie the 28 days, 4weeks or 1 lunar cycle), is to run 200 miles.

I'm going to add a key midweek run to complement the Wednesday track session and my weekend long-run-or-fast-race.

So tomorrow I will be catching the 0650 to Shipley, and then enjoying the 13 mile run to my office. 3 miles at perhaps 8 min mile pace, a short stop should I need to (ahem), and then 10 glorious marathon-paced miles at 6:50.

I will have the Garmin, a slight downhill and a moderate tailwind. Heck, I will even take my iPod and finally get to listen to the 90 min playlist called "Shipley-Leeds" that I designed several months ago but have never used.

I ran a little loosener (7 miles for the Feb count) today with Richard, feeling strong and running a nice negative split.

On Andy's blog I have been nick-named "The Afterburner" - sounds impressive but all too true - a blast of acceleration early on, a sustained pace but then when the fuel has all gone, I fall into a crumpled heap.


  1. Good lad, you know it makes sense! Don't blow your pipe out tomorrow if it's feeling tough - 8 or even 6 at 6:50 in the middle of some steady running will be brilliant.

  2. So how'd it go, Speedy? I did my "8 in 10" session today and it felt the easiest so far (although "easiest" is of course relative...).
