Friday 19 February 2010

Another tough (slow) one

Wasn't sure what to do today - I was thinking that a steady medium one with a few MP miles in the middle would be just the trick. But it was cold and windy and I never seemed to get warmed up as I ran along the undulating back road into Otley through Denton.

As I turned at Otley to come back via Burley, the cold westerly hit me hard. I couldn't find my mojo to try and pick up the pace. Ended up doing a slow 14.5 miles in around 8 min/mile ave pace, which is about the slowest average I've ever ran.

Not sure why it wasn't there today? After resting yesterday (or at least not running) I thought today I might feel fresh. But perhaps the accumulation of several hard weeks (by my standards) are catching up with me. But I "listened to my body" and now feel pleased I didn't force it.


  1. That's a tough old week, Paul - must be 60m? I'm trying to do a steady (7:40-8m) longer (10-15m) run each week - yours sounds ideal! I think the odd toughie is good for the soul too - gets you used to that feeling of running whilst you're tired.

  2. Paul, I probably do two thirds of my runs slower than 8 minute miles & for much shorter distances than 14.5 miles. I'm not an expert, but I think that it's likely that as you do more overall mileage, you'll need to do some at a slower pace than normal.
