Thursday 4 February 2010

Muddy towpath

Back on the L-L canal again today with Richard. Neither of us fancied intervals and conditions underfoot were wet and slimy after yesterday's snow.

Instead we opted for a tempo run round our 10k route including one big climb out through Gotts Park. Despite my knee being "present" all morning, it felt fine during the run so after the hill I chose to up our pace to marathon-pace (which is Richard's half-marathon pace).

I half-wheeled him all the way back so he was constantly chasing me - this is good practice for him for hanging-on in races, but far less sociable than normal!

We knocked almost 2 mins off our time from last week (which we thought was a good time), and over 90 secs over our fastest across that course, ran in much better conditions.

So a very encouraging run. But in the afternoon, my knee, and most of my left leg was still feeling "fizzy".

I'm still hoping that it is just the accommodation of my joints to the increase in training and will settle down soon, but I am monitoring very closely. No long run this weekend, just a XC on Saturday, and an easy recovery run with my wife on Sunday.


  1. Hi Paul
    I'm also running London this year and came across your blog.
    Just wondering how you got your countdown clock on?? Blogspot won't let me add any on and I would like it if only for the motivation!!!

  2. Blimey - just looked at your countdown too - 2 months 19 days to London, which means 2 months 5 days to Blackpool (my countdown thing just says 64 days - sounds longer). Your week's training looks better this week - you know it makes sense...

    Maybe see you Tuesday - might try and get some folks to do Burley as a MP effort before Ewan's marathon chat.
